Let's talk about checks baby.

From ancient architecture to the latest in fashion and home decor, the checkerboard pattern’s persistent popularity throughout the ages continues unabated.

Historians debate over where exactly the first checkerboard patterns were seen, with examples dating back to the black-and-white mosaic tiled floors of first century Italian temples as well as on the first iterations of Chess games. The traditional black-and-white pattern was adopted by the punk and ska movements of the 1970’s, combining the high contrast squares together in a message of racial solidarity.

We've stepped away from the traditional black and white colour palette and taken a more modern, more 'Sister' approach to the design.

Checkerboard Vase Birthday Card

New twists have been taken on the popular print, dismissing the contrasting colours for softer, more subtle pairings, moving into the cottage core aesthetic. The square edges, once harsh, have been softened along with the colour palettes, creating a psychedelic effect reminiscent of disco balls.

This trippy version of the checkerboard pattern can be seen on some of the greeting cards and gift wrap in our Aperol Collection, featuring a soft lilac hue that adds to the uplifting vibe.

Bad Influence CheckerBoard Birthday Card

The distorted waves of this spin on the print add another playful and modernising element to the checkerboard wrapping paper.

Checkerboard wrapping paper
The visually appealing simple geometry and soft repetition of checkerboard appeals to the innate human desire to identify patterns, ensuring it is adored by all walks of people - exactly what we strive for in creating our inclusive, diverse designs. 

Emma Pearce